作为一所独立学校, North Cross offers a broad educational experience and encourages students to follow their passions and perhaps develop new interests by participating in a variety of activities, 包括体育. 我们鼓励学生报名参加, 出现, 有新的体验, develop new friendships as they develop new skills, and perhaps step out of their comfort zones as they step out on our courts, 字段, 在我们的游泳池游泳. We’re a facility rich school with a broad array of athletic programs to try.
Make no mistake, our students, teams and coaches enjoy winning and strive for that “W”. 没有人喜欢失败, but we all know t在这里 are more things to learn from a sports experience than just winning. 运动员学会团队合作, 个人责任, 成就, 他们也从失望中学习. 毕竟,团队精神很重要, most people will be on some sort of team in their future, 因此,合作是他们需要的一项生活技能. And even if a student doesn’t make the starting lineup, they learn they can and will contribute. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 was a charter member of both the Blue Ridge 会议 (BRC) for our girls’ teams and the Virginia Independent 会议 (VIC) for our boys’ teams at the Varsity and JV levels. 在 2022年秋天,两场会议合并 to become the Blue Ridge Athletic 会议 (BRAC), of which North Cross is still a member school. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 is also a member of the Virginia Independent School Athletic Association (VISAA). VISAA is the state governing body for independent school athletics and sponsors all state playoffs for varsity sports. 这个项目, 考虑到它的体积小, has quite an impressive history: 177 conference titles, and 29 state championships since it began competing in 1974. We expect a lot from our students, in the classroom and on the field; and they deliver. 事实上, 20% of the class of 2023 committed to playing sports at the collegiate level, 而全国平均水平只有6%! 最近的亮点: 2023-2024 2023 会议 & visa州足球冠军 2022 会议 & 维萨男子越野赛州冠军 2022-2023 2023年5月: 丹尼尔斯弗 '23 签约去蒙茅斯大学跑田径赛. 2023年5月: 罗西奥·克里亚多·洛佩兹 '23 承诺在小印第安山踢足球. 社区学院. 2023年5月: 艾琳·鲁伊斯·冈萨雷斯 '23 答应在路易斯大学踢足球 & 克拉克小. 社区学院. 2023年5月: 凯莉Schaefer '23 committed to play tennis at Christopher Newport University. 2023年5月: 丹泽尔Marufu 23年承诺在罗阿诺克学院踢足球. 2023年5月: 追逐丹尼尔 '23 committed to play football at Denison University. 2023年5月: 伊桑弗格森 '23 committed to play soccer at Dickinson College. 2023年5月: 尼克·安德鲁”23 committed to play basketball at Averrett University. 2023年3月: 兰登路 '23 在吉尔福德学院打长曲棍球. 2023年1月: 汉斯·锤 23年签约去弗吉尼亚理工大学打橄榄球. 2022年11月: 伊恩还 '23 signed to play lacrosse at High Point University. 2022年11月: 将霍夫 '23 committed to play lacrosse at Dickinson College. 2022 会议 & visa州足球冠军 2022 女子网球赛分区冠军 2022 男子越野锦标赛冠军 2022 男子足球分区冠军 2023 VISAA男子曲棍球州冠军 2023 会议 & 维萨男子田径赛州冠军 & 场 2023 会议 & 美国签证协会男子网球州冠军 2021-2022 2022年5月: 布朗斯宾塞 '22 去罗阿诺克学院踢足球. 2022年5月: 杰克逊哈斯金斯 '22 signed to play Juniors hockey for the New England Wolves. 2022年5月: Adoria桑德斯 1922年承诺在埃克德学院踢足球. 2022年5月: 坦纳沃格尔 1922年在埃克德学院学习帆船. 2021年11月: 赞恩•拉 '22 committed to play lacrosse at Anderson University. 2021年11月: 海登烧伤 1922年在中央学院打长曲棍球. 2021年11月: JT福斯特 '22 committed to play baseball at King University. 2021 VIC联赛足球冠军 2021 VIC 会议 and VISAA State Champions in Boys Soccer 2022 VIC会议男子网球冠军 2022 VIC会议男子径赛冠军 & 场 2022 VIC会议棒球冠军 2022 英国女子足球总会冠军 2022 VISAA男子曲棍球州冠军 2022 美国签证协会男子网球州冠军 2020-2021 2021年5月: Mehki海恩斯 '21 committed to play football at University of La Verne. 2021年5月: 大卫·考德威尔 '21 在中央学院打长曲棍球. 2021年5月: 卡尔顿病房 '21 committed to play lacrosse at Sewanee, University of the South. 2021年5月: 罗兰·奈尔 '21 committed to play lacrosse at Sewanee, University of the South. 2021年5月: 卡特科尔 '21 在贝里学院打长曲棍球. 2021年5月: 布雷迪科尔 '21 committed to play lacrosse at Sewanee, University of the South. 2021年2月: 追逐罗伯逊 '21 committed to play lacrosse at Anderson University. 2021年2月: 戴维斯Yeaman '21 在费伦学院打棒球. 2021年1月: Geist波洛克 '21 承诺在罗德学院打长曲棍球. 2021年1月: 加布Zappia '21 committed to play lacrosse at Flagler University. 2021年1月: 丹尼尔•伯恩斯 '21 约翰霍普金斯大学游泳专业. 2021年1月: 迈克尔·麦克 '21 签约去海军学院踢足球. 2020年12月: 詹姆斯·杰克逊 signed to play football at the University of Virginia. 2020年11月: Asia Minnes '21 signed to swim at the University of Tennessee. 2020年10月: Kerrigan Chaney '25 broke a Virginia state record with a time of 14:41 at the 中学 Cross Country Championship Race at Pole Green Park in Richmond. 2021 VIC会议男子网球冠军 2021 VIC会议冠军在男子长曲棍球 2021 VISAA男子曲棍球州冠军 2019-2020 2020年6月: Caroline Lystash '20 and Michael Habib '20 were both selected as recipients of Roanoke Valley Tennis Association Scholarships. 2020年6月: 帕特里克·戴利,20岁, 莱利·霍夫,20届, 山姆·卡伦,20岁, and Zack Sommer '20 were recognized as VISAA Three Sport Seniors for the Class of 2020. 2020年5月: Solomon Crockett-Eans '20 signed to play Football at Catawba College. 2020年5月: Jaedyn Young '20 signed to play Football at Guilford College. 2020年5月: Isaac Harris '20 signed to play Lacrosse at Hampton University. 2020年4月: 帕特里克·戴利,20岁 signed to run Cross Country and Track at Wofford College. 2020年4月: Ainsley McGinn '20 signed to play Lacrosse at Methodist University. 2020年1月: Aden Britton '20 signed to play Football at Coastal Carolina University. 2019年12月: Zae Baines '20 signed to play Football at Temple University. 2019 维萨足球州冠军 2019 VIC联赛足球冠军 2019 英国女子网球总会冠军 |
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9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅是一所独立的学校, 男女合校的, college-preparatory day school founded in 1944 and governed by a volunteer 校董会.
All contact information listed on this website is for official 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 business only. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 does not accept unsolicited advertisements sent to school email addresses, 电话号码, 或者这个网站上列出的传真号码. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 性取向, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, 入学, 财政援助或就业政策, 或任何其他由学院管理的课程. 欲了解更多信息,请阅读我们的 包容性的声明. 认证 North Cross is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅's Junior Kindergarten is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools who is recognized by the Board of Education pursuant to §22.1-19 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the Virginia Council for Private Education to accredit private nursery, 学前教育, 弗吉尼亚的小学和中学. 会员资格 North Cross is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, National Association for College Admission Counseling, and Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling, The Cum Laude Society and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. 隐私政策 |