全球研究的 霍勒斯克. Fralin Global Studies Program requires its participants to engage in global travel, 要求的课程, and group discussions on topics concerning global issues and policy. Once the requirements are met, the graduate will receive a separate certificate in addition to their North Cross diploma, recognizing them as a Global Studies Scholar.
学院设计的全球研究区分为学生提供新的机会,以扩大他们在9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅的教育. 成为世界公民的理念——不仅仅是满足获得高级文凭或提高大学申请的要求——应该成为每个学生的目标. 尽管如此, 以一种明确学校期望的方式组织课程似乎很重要. Because the program emphasizes both academic scholarships and experiences, these two broad categories will each contain half of the qualifications for the diploma. 希望以全球研究学者的身份毕业的学生应在9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅大学的第一年(不迟于大二结束)宣布他们的意图。. 那些不打算在9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅大学学习四年的学生必须见主管修改课程. 寻求文凭的国际学生应与主任一起编写定制的学习课程. 项目要求1. 课程
Academic 课程 featuring core classes such as Introduction to Global Studies, AP世界历史, AP比较政府, AP人文地理, 环境研究, 世界语言课程 是否会为学生提供达到目标的最大分数,但选修课对于实现该计划的奖学金要素至关重要. 学生s must earn at least a B in each course that will count toward the diploma. 大多数全球研究学者从全球研究概论和世界语言开始他们为期四年的学习. 十年级的学生可以在学习第二语言的同时选修AP世界史. 十一年级的学生除了学习西班牙语的AP世界语言课程外,还可能学习AP文学, 法语或拉丁语. 高年级学生选修AP比较政府、环境研究和AP人文地理等选修课. 再一次, there are many paths to fulfilling the requirements, 所以请与全球研究主任预约,制定个性化的计划. 2. 校园活动
3. 校外活动
学生必须每年至少参加三次校外活动,以更好地了解他们自己的罗阿诺克社区. 因为大, global communities have settled in Roanoke, students do not have to travel far to immerse themselves in what were once considered distant cultures; they can do so through getting to know the immigrants who have enriched southwest Virginia. Examples of off-campus activities include:
4. 国际旅行
学生s must travel internationally for at least two weeks total on a GS-approved trip. We encourage students to choose trips that include home-stays with families, 注重服务, or focus on language immersion. 想要独立或与家人出国旅行学分的学生必须在旅行开始前获得学分批准. (任何在旅行中违反9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅规则或荣誉守则的学生将不会获得文凭要求的旅行部分的任何学分.) 回到罗阿诺克后, 学生将被要求以在高年级早会上做报告的形式向他们的同龄人传授通过旅行所学到的文化课程. 除了, students will also compose a five-page essay about their experiences. 的 essay must be richly detailed in examining various cultural contrasts and comparisons. 理想情况下,这篇论文将是在大四的春天完成的一次高潮体验. 5. 暑期阅读
每年, 全球研究系的教员将评出一本供所有全球研究学者共同阅读的书. 的 book will help students focus on the theme that has been chosen for the year. At least one seminar will address the summer reading. 此外,学生可以选择由特定教师选择的其他全球研究读物. Examples of themes explored have been Cosmpolitanism, Water, War, and Women. 2020: Global Studies: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century 尤瓦尔·诺亚·赫拉利著 2019: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think 汉斯·罗斯林 2018: 的 Silk Roads: A New 历史 of the World 彼得·弗兰科潘著 2017: 的 Cosmopolites: 的 Coming of the Global Citizen by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian 6. GLOBAL STUDIES-RELATED DEHART PROJECT
的 Senior Project at 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅, renamed in 2010 in honor of retired 英语 teacher Gates DeHart, 一直是 enduring North Cross tradition for over four decades. 学生 presentations take place during Morning Assembly before the entire upper school and members of the broader North Cross community. This focused academic research, which may include experiential field work and interaction with experts in the chosen topic, will be codified first in a research paper of at 至少十页. DeHart项目代表了高中课程的顶点,旨在展示 the cumulative education of a North Cross Senior. Successful completion is required for graduation. 7. OPPORTUNITIES TO FLOURISH IN THE GLOBAL STUDIES PROGRAM
• Travelling internationally more than once • Participating in Harvard Model United Nations more than once • Participating in tutoring more than three times per year for multiple years • Hosting an exchange student for the summer or partial year • Working as a Summer Camp Counselor with the China Summer Program •新举措:如果有任何新的想法或学习和经验的机会,请与全球研究主任联系. All initiatives must be approved by the director 超出课程基本期望的学生将有资格因其对课程的承诺和贡献而获得荣誉. 此类别的一名学生可能有机会在毕业典礼上代表全球研究项目发言. |
Director of Global Studies, 历史 Department Chair, 高中历史 Birmingham-Southern College—B.A. 爱丁堡大学.Sc. 2018年任命 |
价值 |
9年级 |
10年级 |
11年级 |
12年级 |
选修课 |
历史 & 社会研究 |
*Introduction to Global Studies* |
AP世界历史* OR 20th Century World 历史 |
美联社U.S. 历史 |
AP比较政府 & 政治* |
AP人文地理* |
英语 |
英语9 * |
英语10 * |
AP语言或文学* OR British Literature |
AP语言或文学* |
价值 |
世界语言 |
French, Latin, or Spanish II |
French, Latin, or Spanish III* |
French, Latin, or Spanish IV* |
AP French, Latin, or Spanish Language* |
价值 |
科学 |
物理 |
化学 |
生物学 |
环境研究* |
AP 化学, 生物学, or 物理 |
数学 |
几何 |
代数2 |
有关微积分的知识 |
美联社微积分 |
美联社微积分 BC or Statistics |
艺术 |
Symphonic 乐队, Chorale, or Fine Art |
Symphonic 乐队, Chorale, or Fine Art |
Symphonic 乐队, Chorale, or Fine Art |
Symphonic 乐队, Chorale, or Fine Art |
AP工作室艺术 |
罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018 540-989-6641 • (540) 989-7299 (FAX) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 is an independent, 男女合校的, college-preparatory day school founded in 1944 and governed by a volunteer 校董会.
本网站列出的所有联系信息仅适用于9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅的官方业务. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅不接受未经请求的广告发送到学校的电子邮件地址, 电话号码, or fax numbers listed on this site. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 性取向, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, 入学, financial aid or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the School. For more information, read our 包容性的声明. 认证 North Cross is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅的初级幼儿园由弗吉尼亚独立学校协会认证,该协会根据§22得到教育委员会的认可.弗吉尼亚法典第1-19条授权弗吉尼亚私立教育委员会对私立托儿所进行认证, 学前教育, elementary and secondary schools in Virginia. 会员资格 North Cross is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, National Association for College Admission Counseling, and Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling, 的 Cum Laude Society and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. 隐私政策 |