全球共同体 |
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅引以为傲的是它是一个面向全球的学术社区. 学生s become global citizens not only by learning about the world beyond their backyards but also by personal interaction with people from various backgrounds. Our international student population enriches the cultural experiences available at North Cross and makes international exposure much more than taking a Global Studies Certificate course or a family trip to a foreign country.
Our students from ages 3 through grade 12 include almost 600 bright minds from many backgrounds including students from 15 different countries. 我们是一个包容的社区,喜欢并欢迎不同的观点, celebrates what makes each of us unique and who believes that a community that is more representative of the world at large helps prepare all of our students to make positive and thoughtful contributions to their communities when they leave. 在上海有两个校区, 中国和门多萨的一所姐妹学校, 阿根廷, our students are able to exchange ideas (and passport stamps) with their counterparts on another continent. 贺拉斯G. 弗拉林全球研究项目 encourages intellectual and personal growth through travel abroad, 客座讲座和策划的一套课程要求. 学生s who complete this program in the 上学校 receive a Global Studies diploma in addition to their North Cross diploma during Commencement. |
One hundred percent of North Cross students graduate and all attend a college or university prepared to succeed. 我们的学生充分从事各种丰富的学术, 运动, 艺术上的努力,他们的成功是因为他们受到了挑战, 鼓励, 并全程接受我们经验丰富的教职员工的指导. 在他们拿到文凭之后, 每个9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅大学的毕业生都为成功做好了准备.
We offer 18 Advanced Placement (AP) courses and 39 of our students this past year were honored as AP Scholars. AP courses include: English Literature and composition; English Literature; Calculus AB; Calculus BC; Computer Science A; Computer Science Principles; Statistics; Latin; Spanish Language and Culture; French; Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Comparative Government and Politics; Human Geography; US History; World History; and 工作室艺术 2-D Design. 我们的许多学生都被录取了,并将获得a 全球研究学者 他们毕业证书上的名称 霍勒斯克. 弗拉林全球研究项目. 在这个特别的节目中, 学生选修必修课程, 参加研讨会和讲座, 写论文和思考, 经历国外旅行, 并定期与教师会面,讨论全球问题. 那些对工程和设计有眼光的人也可以跟随我们 茎证书 跟踪学生在哪里修了一些必修课, participate in co-curricular STEM activities (like Coding or Robotics Clubs) and complete their senior year with a Capstone Research Project and presentation. |
罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018 540-989-6641•(540)9897299(传真) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅是一所独立的学校, 男女合校的, 大学预备走读学校成立于1944年,由一名志愿者管理 校董会.
All contact information listed on this website is for official 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅 business only. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅不接受未经请求的广告发送到学校的电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 或者这个网站上列出的传真号码. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅没有种族歧视, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 性取向, 在其教育管理中享有其他受法律保护的地位, 入学, 财政援助或就业政策, 或任何其他由学院管理的课程. 欲了解更多信息,请阅读我们的 包容性的声明. 认证 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅是由弗吉尼亚独立学校协会认证的. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅's Junior Kindergarten is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools who is recognized by the Board of Education pursuant to §22.1-19 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the Virginia Council for Private Education to accredit private nursery, 学前教育, 弗吉尼亚的小学和中学. 会员资格 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅是全国独立学校协会的成员, 全国大学入学咨询协会, 以及波托马克和切萨皮克大学入学咨询协会, 优等生协会和教育促进及支援委员会. 隐私政策 |